
Showing posts from 2008


Old Whine

Dog is (drunk) mans best friend

Recycle - because your world doesn't depend on it.

When everybody behaved like IndiaTV

non state actors union

for the 1720th time .. Intelligence !

Rationalization Of Cost

Untimely demise of the fun device

The over-enthusiastic urinal shower catches its prey in concentration lapses

Breaking bad news to the programmer

Why I dont read self help books

India-101 for Obama

When Bill Gates comes visiting ..

America in changing room now

Sons of the spoil

Chinese love plastic, plastic love melamine

We love our MMS

Wo Happy Wali Di


New age toons

Weekend at home

Need a roommat ?

To the US Senate

Rock On Patthar

Raw Poison Treaty - Ratified

irrational walk

The Golden Blog

Marriage is out of the backburner !


Cuil !> Google

The uNclear Deal

The speakers dharma is to stay un biased



Sometimes I do link to my least favorite celeb blogger

Luckier any day ?

The ending that will stay with me till my ending !

Recollections II (the bad ones first)