How indians are (?) supporting the iraq war
Though india is not supporting the war ..given their huge presence, immigrant tech workers in US might be , heres how :
Excerpt from wikipedia on the taxation status of H1B visa holders ..
Excerpt from wikipedia on the taxation status of H1B visa holders ..
"H-1B workers are legally required to pay the same taxes as any other U.S. resident, including Social Security and Medicare."
"Since an H-1B visa is only valid for 6 years and Social Security benefit eligibility typically requires 10 years of work, most H-1B visa holders will not be able to make use of the Social Security benefits that they are contributing to."
What am i paying the staggering amount of tax for then ? Donation for the 'eye raq' blunder ??
Can i get it back ?
if true, shouldn't you refuse to support it?
even if that entails you heading back to india, no?
if not, then all you are doing is talking.
b t w, article is somewhat controversial, lemme read it properly...