
Showing posts from 2009

Hows coding done at google

26/11 Unseen footage

You are working for Google !


Flash Games - Block Drop


Terminator Salivation

49 to 99

IPL Teams Google Squared

Vote congress - get ready for a minority cess

I did not vote

What happens when a cartoonist becomes a cartoon himself ?

Pilates of the caribbean


Terrafugia[n]:Escape from earth

Mallaya Buys Gandhis Item !

Fly you Fools Caption contest

I can haz oscar too but ..

Bus Slogan Generator

He said I am not being true to myself

Lesbians to send rainbow chaddi to sene ?

The audacity of dope

Looking girls at Uncle home

People is rather funny

Trash can have feeling

Brahmos missed its real target

Another Interesting Webcomic


Rajunomics for Dummies

oshka hotleg

My FlyYouFools comic caption contest entry

Wanted corporate *governess* for a fraud baby
